Extremely Rare 1850-Year-Old Bronze Coin Found in Waters Off Israel’s Coast

A fascinating discovery has been made off the coast of Israel: a Rare 1850-Year-Old Bronze Coin that dates back 1,850 years to the Roman era. This coin, which depicts the moon goddess Luna, is not just any old coin—it’s the first of its kind found in Israeli waters! Archaeologists from the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) displayed the coin on July 26, 2022, showcasing its remarkable preservation and historical significance. This article explores the details of this exciting find, its historical context, and its importance to our understanding of the past.

The Discovery of the Coin

The Rare 1850-Year-Old Bronze Coin was found during underwater explorations near Haifa, in northern Israel. Archaeologists working with the IAA made this significant find while examining the marine environment. They were surprised to discover a coin that not only survived in excellent condition but also provided insight into the life and beliefs of people during the Roman Empire.

Characteristics of the Coin

  • Material: Bronze
  • Age: 1,850 years old
  • Mint Location: Alexandria, Egypt
  • Depictions:
    • Front: The moon goddess Luna
    • Back: The Roman emperor Antoninus Pius
    • Zodiac Sign: Cancer, depicted below Luna

This particular coin was minted in the eighth year of Antoninus Pius’s reign, which lasted from 138 to 161 AD. This time period is known as the Pax Romana, a time of relative peace and stability across the Roman Empire.

Historical Context

The coin belongs to a series that showcases the 12 signs of the zodiac and a complete zodiac wheel. The IAA notes that while similar coins have been found in other parts of the world, this is the first of its kind discovered in Israeli waters.

Pax Romana

The Pax Romana, or “Roman Peace,” was a significant era in history. It marked a time when the Roman Empire was at its height, characterized by economic prosperity, cultural advancements, and military stability. This peaceful period allowed for trade and cultural exchanges across vast regions, and coins like the one found often served as tools for commerce and communication.

Significance of the Find

Jacob Sharvit, head of the IAA’s marine archaeology unit, emphasized the importance of this discovery. He stated, “These finds, which were lost at sea and disappeared from sight for hundreds and thousands of years, have been remarkably well preserved; some are extremely rare.” The recovery of this coin adds vital pieces to the puzzle of Israel’s historical narrative.

Connection to Maritime Heritage

Eli Eskosido, General Director of the IAA, highlighted a shift in Israel’s understanding of its maritime history. He mentioned that the sea is now recognized as an essential part of the country’s cultural heritage. This coin serves as a vivid reminder of the cultural and historical significance of the sea surrounding Israel.

Related Discoveries

The discovery of this ancient coin is not an isolated event. Last year, archaeologists found other significant artifacts in shipwrecks off the coast, including:

  • Third-Century Roman Coins: These coins offer further insights into the economic practices of the time.
  • Roman-Era Golden Ring: This ring featured an early Christian symbol for Jesus, suggesting connections between different cultures and religions.

These finds indicate that the underwater environment around Israel holds many secrets waiting to be uncovered.


The finding of the Rare 1850-Year-Old Bronze Coin depicting the moon goddess Luna is a remarkable event that sheds light on the Roman era’s cultural and economic aspects. It highlights the significance of marine archaeology and the importance of the sea in understanding Israel’s past. This discovery not only enriches our knowledge of history but also reminds us of the deep cultural connections we share with our ancestors. As more underwater explorations are conducted, we can expect to uncover even more treasures that will further illuminate the rich history of the region.

Table of Related Discoveries

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What does the bronze coin depict?

The coin depicts the moon goddess Luna, the zodiac sign Cancer, and the Roman emperor Antoninus Pius.

Where was the coin discovered?

The coin was found in waters off the coast of Haifa, Israel.

How old is the coin?

The coin is 1,850 years old, dating back to the Roman era.

What is the significance of the Pax Romana?

The Pax Romana was a period of peace and stability in the Roman Empire, allowing for economic prosperity and cultural exchanges.

Are there other notable finds related to this discovery?

Yes, archaeologists have also found third-century Roman coins and a Roman-era golden ring with Christian symbolism in shipwrecks off the coast.

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